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Mindful Living: Awareness In Action

Bersemangatkan intensi persiapan menjelang  asesmen akhir beruturut-turut dalam beberapa bulan terakhir, kelas 12 SMA Amore Prime School mengikuti kegiatan pendalaman pribadi...
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Eternity Cup 2.0: ENAMOR

Eternity Cup is back at Amore Prime School! This second edition of the event was bigger and better, featuring thrilling...
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BPG Banten Memilih Sekolah Amore Sebagai Percontohan Pembelajaran Bahasa Mandarin Bersama Laoshi dari Cina

Melalui pertimbangan pasca keterlibatan salah seorang guru Bahasa Mandarin Laoshi Ruben Tjandra, beberapa waktu lalu bersama dalam program pembelajaran bahasa...
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Courage and Unity – Upholding the Values of Our Heroes and Youth

On November 12, Amore Prime School held a significant event aimed at promoting the values of Pancasila in developing well-rounded...
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Atma Jaya Anatomy Museum Visit

Our recent visit to the Atma Jaya Anatomy Museum was incredibly educational and engaging. The students gained a deeper understanding...
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Science Experiment


Sebagai jawaban akan setiap kebutuhan informasi dan dalam rangka memajukan pendidikan di era berkembangnya teknologi secara pesat, Amore Prime School berusaha mewujudkan hal tersebut dengan terus membangun sarana dan prasarana serta pengembangan karakter pada peserta didik secara digital maupun pendekatan personal. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mewujudkan peserta didik yang kritis, kreatif, inovatif, percaya diri dan berkarakter melalui kehidupan riil ataupun kehidupan bersosialisasi di dunia maya. Salah satu sarana informasi yang Amore Prime School kembangkan adalah Website. Dimana Website ini dibuat untuk menyajikan berbagai informasi Sekolah dan memudahkan masyarakat luas untuk mengenal Amore Prime School lebih dekat. Salam Pendidikan.

Kepala Sekolah SMA APS, Edirondelino Manas, S.Fil


To produce students who excel in academic competence, possess integrity, and are globally competitive, rooted in the values of our national cultural identity.


  1. Implementing comprehensive learning strategies that include projects to foster optimal development of critical thinking skills.
  2. Instilling the values of honesty, responsibility, discipline, cooperation, and empathy in every aspect of life.
  3. Encouraging students to flourish and develop in accordance with their individual religious beliefs and convictions.
  4. Providing a learning environment that supports the maximal development of students’ talents, interests, and potentials.
  5. Utilizing digital learning media to enhance the effectiveness of learning and school management.
  6. Developing proficiency in multiple foreign languages, namely English, Mandarin, Japanese, and German.
  7. Collaborating with parents and universities to support holistic learning and career relevance.

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