Character-based education is the principle instilled by Amore Prime school. Amore Prime School as a school that does not only prioritize the intelligence of its students also seeks to balance educational content with character building in the aspects of its teaching.
Therefore, as a manifestation of spreading love and the school’s vision, Amore Prime School’s Student Council took the initiative to raise funds for less fortunate children under the auspices of the orphanage.

On January 14 2023, Amore Prime School’s Student Council fulfilled the aspirations of the school’s vision by raising funds while visiting two orphanages, namely the Bhakti Luhur Orphanage in Jakarta and the Abigail Orphanage in Tangerang.
Amore Prime School’s dedication to the orphanage is not only in the form of fundraising, but also to enliven the atmosphere of the orphanage by holding several games and playing with the orphanage’s children.

Apart from the Student Council, Amore Prime School students also took part in the success of the orphanage.
The existence of this effort has fostered a sense of empathy and developed a spirit of love for others.